Sunday, August 3, 2008

Coming Attractions

Because there really aren't any noteworthy films out that I've Really bothered to see, I'm going to take this time to talk about some noteworthy trailers that are currently out and about.  I hope to make this a regular thing on this blog so here goes:  

Tropic Thunder (Red Band)

I am absolutely on the edge of my freaking seat with this film.  This is undoubtably going to be this year's super-quotable   comedy that everyone loves.  It has everything: Extreme war violence, explosions, Jack Black, Robert Downey Jr. in black face..... wait, go back one!  RDJ in BLACKFACE!  And not to mention Ben Stiller as a retarded farm hand.  Oh yeah, and did I mention Jack Black?  This film has "worth seeing" written all the hell over it.  Go see this movie.  

The Day the Earth Stood Still

This Film Has "potentially awesome" written all over it.  Unfortunately, it also has "potential epic fail" written all over it.  This looks like it is either going to suck out loud, or it is one of those rare cases of a great blockbuster hit hidden behind a lame and boring trailer.  On first view, my reaction was, "WTF?! NO GIANT ROBOT!?!"  But look closely, at the very end there is about 10 frames of a giant robot.  Come on already!  Give your fans what they want.  Don't give them all the boring parts, give them the GIANT ROBOTS.  And less Keanu Reeves (woah).  

Saw V 


Death Race

I'm going to go against my better judgement here and say that I'm actually looking forward to seeing this "film."  As much as I hate remakes of sequels of remakes of bad shit, this looks not half bad.  It's like "The Running Man" meets "The Fast and the Furious."  But whatever.  Time will tell.... 

Punisher War Zone

This could very well be the film that redeems the Punisher big screen franchise.  This is the dark, ultra violent picture The Punisher needs.  Ray Stevenson really looks the part of that expressionless killer we all know and love.  I can't wait to see more.  

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