Friday, August 22, 2008

The Rocker: "School of Rock" meets "40 Year Old Virgin" meets....'yawn'

This is a way-too-late post.  I actually had the "privilege" to see this movie on monday before it even really hit screens.  The only problem is that it took me this long to even think of anything to say about this film.
This was one of those cases where they took all the "who's that" supporting actors of the past year or two and give them all a "chance" with important starring roles in a cartoon network friendly comedy.  to give you an idea of what I mean by this: I have IMDB open as i write this because i can't for the life of me remember anyone's name from this film.  Also, Christina Applegate is in this movie.  I could always use more Applegate in my life.    
That being said:  I think i like Rainn Wilson better as a supporting actor.  he is one of the best straight men in hollywood right now, and that is really something to be proud of.  I mean, I'm not gonna try to get on someone's case about trying to push through, but the guy just doesn't do it for me as a leading man.  I also think there are a thousand other roles out there that would have made his push to stardom a little more palatable.
Jason Sudeikis plays the wise-cracking record producer that they pour most of the 'A-list" comedy from this film into.  I feel like Dane Cook wanted too much money for this role, and this was the best they could do on such short notice.  he had such a hammy delivery f some of these one-liners that it was hard to believe that anyone, even a slime-ball record producer would say such lame shit.     
Now, the kids in this film were actually the most enjoyable aspect of this film.  Josh Gad was actually quite funny in this film.  i would love to see him take on the reigns of more important characters.  So far we've only ever seen him as the "fat best friend" character =, and i really rather enjoyed him as a major role.  also, Emma Stone was simply adorable in this film. I can't wait to see more of her, however, I am not looking forward to"House Bunny" in the slightest bit.       
The writing in this film kinda bothered me.  It was at times, incredibly predictable.  While at the same time, they set up certain plot elements that you expect to be a huge ordeal later on in the film, and they just grace over it with a line or two.  there were no surprises in this film whatsoever.  I'm not going to give away the end, but you will see it coming a mile away.   
Overall I would recommend this movie to someone who isn't really interested in seeing a movie, or someone who wants something light and airy that they can have very polite conversation about later on.  like maybe a lame step dad who is trying to win over his wife's son while not trying to "replace his father."  Or, maybe to two teenagers who just want to go to the movies because it is the only time they can be alone in the dark without parental supervision and want something they can just make-out to the whole time without having to pay attention.  "The Rocker" is this year's light, fluff comedy that anyone can sit through and be unchanged after.    

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tropic Thunder: or "how I learned to stop worrying and love the action/comedy"

So I just finished my very own private screening of "Tropic Thunder" before the midnight show even hit the screen.  This is my first real advance show as a projectionist, and i have to say:  I got a real kick out of walking out and seeing a huge line of people anxious to be the first people to see it.  Yeah.... I'm the coolest guy on the internet right now.  
Now let's get down to brass tax.  I normally am the kind of guy who hates reflexivity in film.  And "Tropic Thunder" is as reflexive as it gets.  This film is about the fake making of a fake war movie about a fake book.  Deep, right?  But i gotta say there were things about this film that hit the right notes with me.    
The things I love about this film is the cheap shots it takes at Big Hollywood.  They make fun of just about every rung of the production ladder.  No one is safe.  They even go as far as Tom Cruise's producer character (we'll get to him in a moment) telling a grip to punch the director in the face.  Brilliant.  I also really like the idea of a bunch of prima-donna actors in the jungle, armed with nothing but hundreds of rounds of blanks and their acting resumes. 
The real buzz about this film is the ballsy low blows it takes.  First of all you have Robert Downey Jr. playing the Mel Gibson method-actor as a black guy.  This was a really awesome performance.  Never once does he break character, which is consequently a character who never breaks character (as i said before... this thing oozes with reflexivity.) 
But the real big 'gasp' is Ben Stiller's character's role as a retarded farm hand.  There are so many people protesting this film right now saying things like "You can't make fun of retarded people... or say words like 'retarded.'"  But what they fail to see is the real target of the joke.  the target isn't the mentally handicapped (or whatever ballsless term it is now), the target is Big Hollywood.  This film makes fun of the fact that actors and producers feel the need to legitimize themselves by playing the lowest common denominator.  It shows Hollywood as the soulless void it really is.  And that is a very refreshing thing to see from a major production company.  kudos.  
now on to Tom Cruise's role (yes, I said I'd get back to this).  Cruise plays this weird, asshole producer character that is the weird hybrid of Steve Jobs, Steven Spielberg, and Tom Cruise in by far the weirdest damn fat suit I've ever seen in my life.  He has these weird, rubbery monkey arms and fake man boobs... what is that about?   
I thoroughly enjoyed this film.  It is going down as one of the very few films that have made me enjoy reflexivity.  It also is the second action/comedy film in two weeks.  It leaves me hoping for something a little different next week.  hopefully we'll get something good. . . probably not.          

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pineapple Express: #1 comedy in America, or Just a Bad Case of the Munchies?

I was hoping to have a review of this film posted much earlier.  I had actually planed to screen a print of this the night before it came out, but somehow the midnight show sold out four screens.  Apparently everyone and their brother decided to get high as hell last tuesday night and come to the movies.  Nacho sales hit an all time high.  
Well, I finally got to see it the other night and I was pleasantly surprised.  I was expecting a lame, goofball stoner comedy; but what I got was an action-packed thrill ride and a halfway decent contact high.  Seth Rogen once again does an excellent job portraying the "Beta-Male" that America is coming to love and adore.  He has done God's work in making the medium-ly chubby stoned guy, well... sexy.
James Franco also had a wonderful performance as, for once, a character who isn't an asshole.  I'm glad he finally broke that type cast, because i actually really liked him as a redeeming character.  
I did get the feeling, however, that they sacrificed a bit of the plot for the over-the-top action sequences.  Now, don't get me wrong, this film had it's moments.  It has one of the best car chases I've ever seen on the big screen (#1 goes to "Blues Brothers"...with a bullet).  It just seemed like they got to about the second half of the second act and realized "oh shit, we need to put all that action into this action film."  There are some plot devices that they rely very heavily on in the first act that they just seem to forget about toward the end.  But I guess when your target audience has the attention span of a bag of Funions, you can afford to get away with that kind of thing.      
Overall I rather enjoyed this film.  It isn't the best writing that has ever come out of this crew ("Superbad" and "Knocked up" to name a few), but it's one of the best comedies I've seen all year.  If you're going to go, however, I recommend going high.  The humor will be greatly appreciated and you won't even notice the weird plot elements.  And if you're not into that sort of thing, then this film probably isn't for you.... go see "Mamma Mia."  

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Coming Attractions

Because there really aren't any noteworthy films out that I've Really bothered to see, I'm going to take this time to talk about some noteworthy trailers that are currently out and about.  I hope to make this a regular thing on this blog so here goes:  

Tropic Thunder (Red Band)

I am absolutely on the edge of my freaking seat with this film.  This is undoubtably going to be this year's super-quotable   comedy that everyone loves.  It has everything: Extreme war violence, explosions, Jack Black, Robert Downey Jr. in black face..... wait, go back one!  RDJ in BLACKFACE!  And not to mention Ben Stiller as a retarded farm hand.  Oh yeah, and did I mention Jack Black?  This film has "worth seeing" written all the hell over it.  Go see this movie.  

The Day the Earth Stood Still

This Film Has "potentially awesome" written all over it.  Unfortunately, it also has "potential epic fail" written all over it.  This looks like it is either going to suck out loud, or it is one of those rare cases of a great blockbuster hit hidden behind a lame and boring trailer.  On first view, my reaction was, "WTF?! NO GIANT ROBOT!?!"  But look closely, at the very end there is about 10 frames of a giant robot.  Come on already!  Give your fans what they want.  Don't give them all the boring parts, give them the GIANT ROBOTS.  And less Keanu Reeves (woah).  

Saw V 


Death Race

I'm going to go against my better judgement here and say that I'm actually looking forward to seeing this "film."  As much as I hate remakes of sequels of remakes of bad shit, this looks not half bad.  It's like "The Running Man" meets "The Fast and the Furious."  But whatever.  Time will tell.... 

Punisher War Zone

This could very well be the film that redeems the Punisher big screen franchise.  This is the dark, ultra violent picture The Punisher needs.  Ray Stevenson really looks the part of that expressionless killer we all know and love.  I can't wait to see more.