This is a way-too-late post. I actually had the "privilege" to see this movie on monday before it even really hit screens. The only problem is that it took me this long to even think of anything to say about this film.
This was one of those cases where they took all the "who's that" supporting actors of the past year or two and give them all a "chance" with important starring roles in a cartoon network friendly comedy. to give you an idea of what I mean by this: I have IMDB open as i write this because i can't for the life of me remember anyone's name from this film. Also, Christina Applegate is in this movie. I could always use more Applegate in my life.
That being said: I think i like Rainn Wilson better as a supporting actor. he is one of the best straight men in hollywood right now, and that is really something to be proud of. I mean, I'm not gonna try to get on someone's case about trying to push through, but the guy just doesn't do it for me as a leading man. I also think there are a thousand other roles out there that would have made his push to stardom a little more palatable.
Jason Sudeikis plays the wise-cracking record producer that they pour most of the 'A-list" comedy from this film into. I feel like Dane Cook wanted too much money for this role, and this was the best they could do on such short notice. he had such a hammy delivery f some of these one-liners that it was hard to believe that anyone, even a slime-ball record producer would say such lame shit.
Now, the kids in this film were actually the most enjoyable aspect of this film. Josh Gad was actually quite funny in this film. i would love to see him take on the reigns of more important characters. So far we've only ever seen him as the "fat best friend" character =, and i really rather enjoyed him as a major role. also, Emma Stone was simply adorable in this film. I can't wait to see more of her, however, I am not looking forward to"House Bunny" in the slightest bit.
The writing in this film kinda bothered me. It was at times, incredibly predictable. While at the same time, they set up certain plot elements that you expect to be a huge ordeal later on in the film, and they just grace over it with a line or two. there were no surprises in this film whatsoever. I'm not going to give away the end, but you will see it coming a mile away.
Overall I would recommend this movie to someone who isn't really interested in seeing a movie, or someone who wants something light and airy that they can have very polite conversation about later on. like maybe a lame step dad who is trying to win over his wife's son while not trying to "replace his father." Or, maybe to two teenagers who just want to go to the movies because it is the only time they can be alone in the dark without parental supervision and want something they can just make-out to the whole time without having to pay attention. "The Rocker" is this year's light, fluff comedy that anyone can sit through and be unchanged after.