Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Little Bit About What I do Here

I am a film projectionist for a major theatre company (I'm not going to say which one.  don't worry, Big Hollywood).  This means I handle giant blockbuster films all day and never get to see anything good or independent.  But I figured, since i get to see pretty much any major hollywood picture i want for free, I may as well write about it.  
I also have a bachelor's degree in film, so needless to say I've had an overwhelming feeling that I've been wasting my life and that my education was in vain for some time now.  So this blog is more or less a way for me to vent my frustrations of the horrible industry I work for, while at the same time putting  some validation and purpose to my life.  
So next time you go to the movies, look behind you when the movie starts and give your projectionist a little salute; because there is a good chance he hates the film you are about to watch, and he resents you for wanting to watch it.     

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